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This course is intended for Russian language learners who have reached the elementary A2 level and would like to review the most challenging language skills proper to this level.


The aim of this course is to review and reinforce the most difficult Russian grammar at A2 level in speech and writing. This includes verbs of motion and aspect - topics that are important to get right from the get go. Also, you will:

  • review previously studied Russian grammar topics;
  • clear up difficult Russian grammar topics and correct habitual mistakes;
  • create a strong grammar foundation for further study of the language;
  • learn and activate new grammatical structures used in conversation;
  • analyze, train, and solidify the grammatical structures of a given level that cause the most difficulty.


Lesson 1. Imperfective and perfective aspects of the verb

English doesn’t have a direct equivalent for Russian’s imperfective/perfective split, which is why students frequently have gaps and difficulties in this area.

Lesson 2. The Genitive case of plural nouns and adjectives

Genitive case, and especially the plural, is complex: there are exceptions that simply must be studied and learned. In lesson two, you’ll use the plural genitive in various contexts and solidify your knowledge of this difficult subject.

Lesson 3. Verbs of motion with and without prefixes

Russian has many ways to say “I go”, and it’s important that you know them well. In our third lesson, we’ll make this complex topic accessible and help you to actively and confidently use the verbs of motion in all their forms.

Lesson 4. Complex sentences: чтобы, что, and который

Sometimes, “I went to the store” isn’t enough - “I went to the store that’s near you” tells a lot more. That’s what you’ll review and practice in lesson four: conjunctions to extend your sentences and communicate complex thoughts.

Lesson 5. Indefinite pronouns with the prefix кое- and suffixes -нибудь and -либо

Wonder how to say “anything”, “someone”, or even “someone (I’m not telling who)” in Russian? Join us in lesson 5 as we take a look at the prefixes and suffixes we use to say any- and someone/something - this is one of those times where Russian is very logical!


Lyudmila Zakorchevnaya | Russian teacher

Education: Perm State Pedagogical University, 2010

«I have been teaching Russian and English since 2008. I possess internationally recognized certificates from the Pushkin State Russian Language Institute, Saint Petersburg State University, Herzen State Pedagogical University, Moscow City University, and Cambridge TKT. I use the communicative method in my lessons, combining it with grammatical and lexical approaches»


  • 5 x 60 min. online group lessons with a teacher on Zoom/Adobe Connect;
  • 5 hours of distance learning on the platform "Canvas" - student works individually. After every lesson, complete practical exercises on this learning platform to reinforce your knowledge;
  • 1 hour bonus lesson: summarize material, question-answer with teacher in a group;
  • class size is limited to 6;
  • access to all course materials;
  • certificate of completion.


  • Start Dates:
    • 17 May (2 weeks)
    • 07 June (2 weeks)
  • Online group lessons are run three times per week on weekdays during the two-week period.
  • Timing is approximately between 18.00 and 21.30 Kyiv time.
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